Saturday, October 29, 2011

thirty days

Here is my newest task, thirty blogs in thirty days. This will let people know a little more about me. It will also make me take a look into the past, a look at my fears, my dreams and everything in between. It looks like a fun idea, and I hope that you guys will join me and participate in 30 blogs in 30 days as well. Below is the list of the daily topics.

Day 1 {Introduce}
Day 2 {Your first love}
Day 3 {Your parents}
Day 4 {What you ate today}
Day 5 {Your definition of love day}
Day 6 {Your day}
Day 7 {Your best friend}
Day 8 {A moment}
Day 9 {Your beliefs}
Day 10 {What you wore today}
Day 11 {Your Children}
Day 12 {What's in your bag}
Day 13 {This week}
Day 14 {What you wore today}
Day 15 {Your dreams}
Day 16 {Your first kiss}
Day 17 {Your favorite memory}
Day 18 {Your favorite birthday}
Day 19 {Something you regret}
Day 20 {This month}
Day 21 {Another moment}
Day 22 {Something that upsets you}
Day 23 {Something that makes you feel better}
Day 24 {Something that makes you cry}
Day 25 {A first}
Day 26 {Your fears}
Day 27 {Your favorite place}
Day 28 {Something that you miss}
Day 29 {Your aspirations}
Day 30 {One last moment}

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I may try this next year. I always miss the first of the month and December is probably not the best month to start it in. LOL.
